Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Sebastiane Tutorial (Music)

The aspect of my film development I was most concerned about was the music as I think the music is vital in setting the tone and atmosphere and helping gage the film structure. My filmmaker, Harrison, voiced his concern previously, saying he wanted to hear the music to help him visualise the content for filming and the film's style. I made a fashion film in my second year; however I used a track that was available on YouTube and did not make any alterations. In this film I would like to collaborate with a film student or professional to create an innovative, unique sound that is made specifically for my film.

After searching for days on YouTube for suitable music, I found some tracks belonging to published fashion films that I felt I could edit to create a track that would follow my film's concept and synopsis. My film is split into three main scenes so I found music inspiration for each of them.

A Beautiful Darkness, directed by Ruth Hogben (SHOWStudio, 2015).

The fashion film starts off silent, then slowly introduces a faint, eerie chiming with no rhythm; this lasts until 00:36. The music is very ambiguous, as it doesn't reveal anything clear about the film. I want the opening of my film to leave many questions unanswered, with abstract close-ups of She and her surroundings, so an ambiguous sound would complement that feeling of uncertainty. The chiming could be interpreted as mechanical, hinting at the asylum hospital setting. The mechanical chimes get louder and deeper in tone, building tension as the viewer anticipates a climax. There is a faint sound of howling wind in the background, which would emphasise the cold abandonment of her asylum cell. The beginning section of this music would be suitable for the film's first scene as the gradual introduction of the setting and main character mirrors the track's slow, ambiguous build up. 

At 00:53 there is the introduction of shrieking in the music, almost like someone is screaming for help, instantly creating an unsettling atmosphere. The high pitched wining music has no rhythm, creating a sense of uncertainty as the viewer can't follow a consistent beat. It sounds like the music could be on repeat, making it seem like the music is spiralling out of control, mirroring She's frantic, frustrated emotions. This hectic, unsettling music would work effectively in scene 2, by heightening She's distress as she scribbles down and relives her haunting memories of mistreatment and discrimination. 

Chaos, by Gareth Pugh (Pugh, 2017).
The music is chaotic with a variety of beats and textures. There is an aggressive undertone, with the harsh noises of banging metal, possibly the sound of hitting metal drums. She's new found confidence and empowerment mirrors the consistent beat as if reflects stability for the viewer to follow. The variety of clashing instruments used creates a sense of rebellion and liberation, mirroring She's ultimate escape to a world free of discrimination. I want to use a track similar to this for my film's powder paint scenes; however without so much aggressive, as although I want it to reflect her new rebellious edge, it still needs to have a very positive, liberating feel. 

I showed the above music inspiration to Sebastiane for him to understand my vision; however I was concerned about copyright. He suggested I looked at records that are over 50 years old, as currently this means they are no longer under the copyright law and so anyone can use them. My family owns a record player, making it possible for me to buy records and listen to them easily. Sebastiane said the raw crackling sound of a record player could add eeriness and originality to the soundtrack.

Sebastiane also suggested I filmed my own sound effects, like the wind, crashing water or rolling rocks, to give my soundtrack a unique and raw feel. He suggested using a digital recorder, that I can hire from the uni hatch, instead of an iPhone for a better quality sound. My first and second scenes are very ambiguous so recording my own unique recordings could reflect that audacity. He said to save them as Wav files to make them easier to manipulate in post production.

He suggested listening to '24 Postcards in Full Colours' by Max Richter for an ethereal, abstract sounds and Philip Jeck as he creates music from organic recordings. He also suggested looking at the 2011 film Absentia as it includes dark, abstract music to build the tense atmosphere.

SHOWSTUDIO, 2015. A Beautiful Darkness: Ruth Hogben / Gareth Pugh - Fashion Film [viewed 8th February 2017]. Available from:

PUGH, G., 2017. Gareth Pugh S/S 15 [viewed 8th February 2017]. Available from:

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