Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Planning the Logistics for Shoots 2 and 3

I had originally planned to shoot both remaining scenes on Sunday 2nd April; however the studios are not currently available on the weekends. After my meeting with Sharon, when she suggested using brighter lighting, I decided to use a grey backdrop so the shadows are more visible; however this means I would need to shoot in a studio rather than possibly using my studio at home. I messaged my team to find dates in the week they were free; however at such short notice they seemed pretty booked up. We had a few options in the next couple of weeks where everyone was available and I could book the studios; however Harrison was not able to book the correct filming equipment for any of these days. This panicked me because I had left about 3/4 weeks for me to edit the film together and finish my blog so moving the filming dates back would shorten this time. We decided on Monday 10th April and Thursday 13th April to shoot the scene are the equipment and team were available and it gave me time to book the studios.

I planned to do one shoot in my studio at home because I will only need a black background and I wouldn't need to transport the bed or find a free studio; however Harrison wanted to shoot the rest of the footage in a studio because the background will look cleaner and more professional so I needed to find two dates that would work, instead of one.

A problem with shooting the opening scene in a university studio is transporting the bed from my house to the studio. I organised with Lottie that I could store it in the makeup storing cupboard overnight the day before the shoot and I arranged with a friend to use their van for transportation. I can fit the table and chair in my car so will drive that to uni on the day.

I had to re-evaluate my production schedule because my shooting dates had been moved back two weeks and I needed to make sure I still had time to complete all my tasks. I therefore decided to get everything completed and organised for the shoot and then focus on completely my website, as this is a task I had left until the final weeks. I will also spend the next couple of weeks updates my blog with extra research and condensing the content to make it all relevant.

I was anxious that I wouldn't get everything finished in time, now that my production schedule had been moved around so I decided to postpone my two weeks work experience over Easter to the summer to give myself extra time.

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