Thursday, 16 March 2017

Creating the Final Music Draft

I was excited but anxious to receive the music from Tony because I had such a clear vision of what it was going to sound like so I didn't want it to let down my expectations. It sounded very close to the music plan I had given him and he blended everything together seamlessly. However there were some aspects I wanted to be altered to complement my intended visuals.

Listen to music via link below:

Alterations for Tony:
- I want the track to start with silence and then lead to the buzzing as I want the footage to be still to start with and then reveal the effects of the electrical buzzing after the film's been introduced. I want to move the buzzing sounds from 00:00 - 00:06 to start at 00:04 - 00:10.
- I would like longer silences between the buzzing so the silence is more dominant, with random buzzing added over the top.
- I think there is too much of the buzzing that sounds like air as it loses the impact of the breathing, so I only want a small amount of this and I don't want it layered over the breathing at all to show an obvious difference in electrical buzzing and her breathing.
- When the girl quickly inhales, there is still some faint buzzing after that, making it lose it's sharp impact, so I want there to be a 2 second silence after her inhale to emphasise it.
- The breathing doesn't sound very clear after the buzzing; I want the breathing to be the dominant aspect in the section 00:40 - 01:00 to emphasise her anxiety. I want just the breathing to start 2 seconds after her quick inhale and then only a couple of buzzing clips to layer over the top.
- I wanted the end of the powder paint track to be very sudden to reflect her shock and disbelief at spotting an asylum/societal figure; however it faded slowly. I understand Tony did this because the powder paint track from Dan was too long; however I think he should either extend the whole track to fit the end of the powder paint track in, or cut it at 04:27 for an abrupt finish.
- After the powder paint section I felt the whispering was too quiet and almost unnoticeable to start with, so I would like the whispering to start off louder and then slowly fade for the last 10 seconds.

Alterations for Dan:
- After listening to the track in full I noticed the high pitched shrieking noises in the flashback scene sound too stark compared to the darker sounding music. I originally said I wanted to include those so I could choreograph some sharp movements to them; however I think they sound too theatrical for my avant-garde film.
- In the powder paint scene I have been unsure about the human 'huh' noises because I am concerned they sound too fake and over dramatic. Similar to the flashback scene, I wanted to include these to add strong movements to; however I don't think they are necessary to emphasise the dancer's movement. I will ask for Sebastiane's opinion on this to see whether I should remove them completely.

I have emailed both music guys the changes I would like them to make so hopefully they get back to me soon so I can combine the music with my storyboard!

Final Draft

I was delighted to receive the updated music track, as both collaborators had successfully made my suggested alterations. I felt the music reflected the emotion in each individual scene, from the unsettling beginning to the liberating end, and was pleased  how it was all combined together with seamless transitions to create a professional sound. I was aware that I would have to make alterations to the first scene, because the electrical interference was going to exactly mirror the editing and model movement. However,  at this stage, I was pleased I had the solid foundations of what my music was going to sound like.

In my next tutorial with Sebastiane I will show him my music choice for his feedback.

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