Saturday, 8 April 2017

Choreographing the Deteriorating Final Clip

The ending of my film will show She's fantasy of feeling accepted disintegrate to her initially feeling of ostracism. After the final scene of her engagement with accepting members of society, She's state of mind will rewind to depression and isolation.

When I still planned to use paint of beauty products to represent her liberation, I was going to use black paint to engulf the model's freedom; however I agreed with Sebastiane that this sounded cliche. I then decided to have the members of society wrap the She up in black mesh to mirror the black mesh She was originally tangled up in; however I later decided not to use the black mesh so this would no longer make sense. I therefore needed to think of more options to show her deterioration.

I had to re-style the dancer in the final scene to wear her khaki styling; however I had initially planned for her to mirror She's white leatherette styling and so had made a white leather blazer. I thought it would be effective for She to appear confident in her white structured blazer and for them hands to appear from different angles to remove her individuality. These hands mirror when She is lying down and feels suffocated by the anonymous hands of society picking and pushing at her body and clothes. I would introduce the whispering when these hands appear to remove her clothing to reflect the constant damaging voices in her head and the constant forced opinions of society.


I want the anonymous hands to remove her styling, makeup and hair to leave her looking bare. I want there to be extreme closeups of the eyelashes being removed and the hair being pulled off. I think the footage needs to look raw by showing little details that some people may choose to hide to make it believable, for example, the glue of the eyelashes and the pins in the hair.

I needed to be extremely organised when deciding what order each clip needed to be filmed in because once the eyelashes are removed or the hair is taken off, the following clips need to continue that stage in the deterioration. I therefore wrote a clear list of shots I wanted in the order I wanted them shot in so that I could work with Harrison to build the scene correctly.

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